NightlyPoe said:
I suppose saying, "But Trump" is the last refuge of a China apologist these days. Even though the examples put for are in no way near the same, and in the case of Trump muzzling anyone, false.
The WHO being in bed with China is a whole other topic. That organization will have much to answer for after this is over as well.
You're taking it out beyond a point of unknown. I'm taking it to the point where the disease shows up on the radar. And, in China's case, it happened much earlier than it did in the other countries.
I. Am. Not. Only. Talking. About. Italy. |
It looks like this discussion is going nowhere, facts vs feelings is what this feels like to me. You are reasoning from unknown assumptions, that it must have reached critical mass much earlier because of a few cases that could have been this. So far, you've showed nothing to back that up.
I wasn't only talking about Italy either, look at Scandinavia where the growth factor is only 1.03
Anyway sure, China bad, us good. We're all just humans putting our own interest before that of others. Why would China want to suppress information of a potential new out break? Because people are so stupid to start avoiding everything Chinese when they hear something like that through sensationalist media. It's the same everywhere, cover up until you can't hide it anymore. It doesn't surprise me, I expect it, no different from any country or company.
I'm still in the dark where you are going with this. Yes, China downplayed the numbers in the beginning but also didn't have the testing up to speed for this new strain. Yes they most likely, surely covered it up to prevent panic and stupid reactions in case it was just another small brush fire like what happens regularly. (They should really clean up those meat markets) However we're here now, what do you think is still going on? Do you think it's still on a rampage in China and they're just pretending they got on top of it?
I don't see it spreading very differently here than in China, there's nothing in the data that backs that up. Actually the other way around, everything suggests it has a better chance of spreading faster here once it's loose in the general population.