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Angelus said:
It's really quite disheartening to see the numbers in Italy continue to rise every day, despite the fact they've been in lockdown for quite some time now. Hopefully the can round the corner on this thing soon.

12 days (on avg?) incubation time.

The spread is always 12days behinde, so the numbers your seeing now are from people already infected long ago.
Them being in "lockdown" doesnt help, until they past the incubation time.

Hopefully 5 days from now, the rate of new cases in italy should drop (compaired to how fast their climbing now).

Ofc thats only if the "lockdown" works, and people are takeing special care, not to get themselves infected or spread it to others.

Same thing will happend in USA.
New york city will keep getting new cases of infected, at higher and higher rates for another 12days, after its lockdown.