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Snoopy said:
Eagle367 said:

NO!!!! HELL NO!!!!! Do not listen to this guy. Stay home. If you do not, 3% of deaths will be a massive understatement and the possibility of millions dying around the world. Stay home and isolate yourself even if you are not that much at risk. Listen to the scientists and experts. If left unchecked, no country will have the infrastructure to handle all the new cases, there won't be enough healthy people left to do the jobs, the economy will be more in tatters, the possibility of most of the healthcare workers being sick and out of commission increases and not to mention, the other diseases won't just disappear. If every hospital and clinic is occupied with covid 19 cases, people with other complications will also start to die due to a lack of care and we will have to start choosing who gets to live and who gets to die. It will be a disaster at the scale of something like the black plague. Seriously keep your opinion to yourself.

People are already doing it, WAKE UP!! This is the inevitable because humans are social creatures and will eventually stop isolating themselves. Stop trying to bury your head in sand and start facing the facts.

So your reasoning is: "You can lie and cheat, everyone does it?" A lot of people are staying at home and are listening thankfully. There are idiots out there like in Florida and like you but what the people around the world are doing is stopping it's impact. Are enough people doing it? I have no idea but hopefully. All we can do is do it ourselves and educate others. 

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also