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Immersiveunreality said:
JRPGfan said:

a bank note's worth is just the paper, the value attached it it is fictive/imaginary.

the 1 and 0's in the bank system are just numbers, banks can even "make-up" more any time they like (to lend out ect), and actually often do.

You can "print" more bank notes, and just add fictive amounts of new money at banks and bank accounts.

You cannot give someone a life back.
Thats the point Immersiveunreality is trying to make.

economy issue is small and tiny, and easily fixed, compaired to this virus outbreak.

The virus outbreak and the economy issue are tied together and concerns for the lesser one should not be frowned upon, i mean why should one of those be the only important one when the lesser one is a result of the first one?

It is very important to talk about both to be prepared for both.


Do you think it is fictive for people that absolutely need it to feed their family,many do not have the luxury we have in the western world and for many that ''fictive'' bank note issue can evolve into a life and death scenario and that is why it is still real for those people.

I do not worry about my own money but i do care for those that do not have the luck to be born in a place where it does not matter that much(atm)

That is why both are real and why both of them does effect people, it is silly that one of those can not be talked about as not everyone is just thinking about how it effects themselves but also about how it effects the world and all of the people in it.

Most nations can afford the costs of feeding their entire nations populations for a short periode of time.

USA spends how much on its military each year?

How much would it cost america to pay for food, for everyone in the country for 2-3 months?
My guess is drastically less than what they spend on military each year.

Your missing the point I was makeing.
Money issue is being overblown.

Fired people, no income, is only a issue if your leadership does nothing to help its citizens.
Theres way around haveing it effect the population short term.

Hopefully by then the virus is gone, and things go back to normal.


$2,641 annually per person (based on the average 2.5 people in each household)  x   328million people =  $866 billion.

^ every american 1 years worth of free food, paid for by the state.

Apparently USA spends about $700 billion each year on military (quick google search).
So it would only be slightly more expensive than that.

My meaning was just that, for a few months, the state could pay for rent/houseing, foods, even some of the wages the work force has.
No one would need to lose homes/jobs over this virus.

It depends on how the leaders choose to handle the situation.

Which circles nicely back to my point I was makeing.
You cant put a price on human life, but you can solve all the issues to the ecomony/jobs/houseing ect quite easily.
Its just a matter of if their willing to do so.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 21 March 2020