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crissindahouse said:
5986 new cases and 627 new deaths in Italy. And they are already in their homes for so long...

how much worse would it be, if they didnt shut down the country and keep people home?
And only keep the bare essentials going?

Would they be at like 200,000+ cases instead of 41,000? who knows.
But theres a reason they are doing this, everywhere.

You can afford to just let it spread as it wants, and shutting things down, and keeping people home works.

The best would be if you could test millions and millions of people, and isolate the sick from the rest (not even in isolate them to their own homes, but move them away from their familes and others non infected).  However in the "west" such a thing would be near unthinkable, and viewed as too drastic, but it worked in china.
Next best thing is to ask everyone to stay home.


Also you have to remember it takes on avg 12 days before you start showing symptoms.
That means alot of these people were already "sick" (just not showing symptioms) before they locked down the country.

Infection rates will keep riseing until the "shutdown periode" is longer than the incubation periode was.

Ontop of that, no "self imposed quarantine, is perfect. Theres gonna be fools that ignore it, people that try to do it, but still overlook something silly and get infected. It just slows things down, its not a 100% now spread stops sort of thing.

xl-klaudkil said:
Italy needs help and fast,they cant keep up anymore.

Infection rates will keep raiseing at the same pace for atleast ~5-6 days. Like was mentioned before, they only did the lockdown like 7days ago.
Then "if" the people of italy are good about following the advice, needed to be taken during the quarantine, numbers should drop abit (spread rate).

People think, shutting things 100% down, means instantly no more spread.... in terms of shown confirmed infection cases on some site.
However with the incubation time being 12days.... alot of people in lockdown are already sick and infected, and just dont know it yet.
So the confirmed cases numbers will keep climbing for days to come.

New York is the first state in america to do a 100% shutdown.
Their numbers of "confirmed" infected will also keep climbing at about same speeds or higher than current ones, for another 12days as well.

Other places in the USA? they havnt even shut things down.
Theres people running around on beaches haveing spring breaks, and spreading the virus.

Italy handled their out break really poorly.
America is really slow, in takeing any action as well.
Also whats worse is that theres still like 7 states that havnt even asked their cititzens to stop gathering in large amounts ect.

Maybe 2 months from now, the talk wont be how poorly italy handled the outbreak, but instead america's.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 20 March 2020