vivster said: As things get tougher, so will those countries. Don't forget people are actually needed and when it comes to save them, people can move mountains. I mean look at the US. Even the biggest rich asshole in the country is employing socialism already. Haven't seen any civilizations wipe out themselves recently, i.e. in the past 200 years. You might even say that humanity is too big to fail. My ancestors have survived completely destroyed post war countries with way fewer resources and technology. I trust that we'll be able to handle something that doesn't even come close to that. Sure, it'll suck for a while, but we will rebuild. I mean nobody thinks it's gonna be easy. If humanity has shown me anything is that if a certain need arises, that need will be filled, and if it cannot be filled completely it will regulate itself. And if it looks like people aren't doing enough to fill that need, that just means it's not big enough yet or hasn't reached enough people, which it eventually will. And the best thing, we might even grow stronger from it. I know I'm doing my best right now and that's all I can do. |
Surviving is not he issue, people are like cockroaches in that aspect.
WW2 only had 30 countries involved. This is already is loose in 183 countries and has the potential to kill twice as many people over all. Mostly older people but a bigger global impact is possible, although much less locally of course.
Prevention is always better than rebuilding. Letting things regulate themselves is acting after the facts. Humanity still struggles greatly with prevention, relying on adaptation rather than preparation. But perhaps life needs to suck for a while to make people realize that. Waiting until the need is big enough is too late when it comes to pandemics.
Anyway, Italy was the wake up call after the world kind of ignored China. We will grow stronger from this, but at what cost relies on the response right now.