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John2290 said:
sethnintendo said:

Funny a non American trying to tell Americans what to think and do about their president.  Even if you were American I wouldn't listen to a single thing you just said.  Did USA become a better nation rallying together after 9/11?  Nope we just went and fucked up 2 countries (1 which wasn't even involved).   Did the nation become better trying to rally behind Bush when the financial crisis started?  No and it didn't really help that all the hope and change Obama preached really never happened either.  Sure Obama was a better president and we eventually got out the mess but the corporate welfare continues to exist while the little man is always squeezed.  Oh and that ACA was semi nice thought till you realized it was written by the insurance and big pharma.  So my point is the USA presidency has been a joke and has been since about right after FDR.

No need to fake praise Trump.  He was calling it overblown (which is semi true) and a hoax at start.  He then did one thing which was travel ban from China which I'm sure people from other countries that traveled to China could easily come to USA after visiting China.  So the virus was slowed down but his administration half ass test rollout didn't help one bit.  It was lie after lie when they said oh those test kits are coming right around the corner.  Guess what?  It's three or more weeks since they promised massive tests. 

I for one don't support complete shutdown.  I think this is stupid because it is really just the old and sick people that you need to worry about.  So how about all you old and sick people stay quarantined till the virus is gone or vaccine and let us young people actually work and keep the damn economy going.  You are so worried about people infecting old people of their families.  Guess what I have parents in mid 70s but don't worry I have no plans on visiting them anytime soon and that wasn't because of the virus. 

So how about you stop telling Americans what to think because you are wasting your damn time.

Well, avoiding all else cause I'm not up for arguing, I'll not stop telling Americans because you are prolonging this for the rest of the world and the global economy, trade and travel industries among others by weelks every 48 hours that is lost but aside from all that you're getting people killed who need not be killed. It can't be that hard to get your youthin line to save them next flu seaso should this go sideways in the realistically possible and horrid scenarios that it could but right now every 48 hours you loose is pain, suffering and death weeks down the road and for weeks, this is fact and not only thst but the health services get busted open, people are prioritzed, the mortality rate goes up the age of death comes down all the while extending the insane cost of this. Respect your gorvenments and do as they say, get in line and support them, this is exactly why you vote them in the first place, scenarios like this. 

Secondly, it is not just the old and sick, the stats skew that way yes but you have a peak to high to early before ventilators are mass produced to meet demmand and the critical young people who are being saved by them so far, die and that end of the stats rises plus you can't predict what will happen when it cones back around in flu season, not to mention permanent damage to the lungs for life and lifestyles drastically changed because of it and completely weakened to a mutation of this virus. 

In short. I won't shut up. However I understand your stress and backlash at me, I'll not argue nor return it. 


Just one thing to know about me.  I'm a nice person when met in public but I don't care about most random people.  The people that are dying are mainly over 60 years old.  Anyone from 20-40 years old hardly dies of the virus unless they have underlying medical conditions.

Travel industry doesn't bother me one bit.  The only thing that would bother me about the travel and hospitality business would be the actual workers that work there.  I am sure most don't have paid sick leave here in USA.  Nor do the restaurant workers.  You see here in USA we have capitalism to the extreme and there is no national paid sick leave law that requires all businesses to offer it.  The temporary paid sick leave they just passed has many loopholes which doesn't apply to a decent amount of workers still not covered.  Some industries and businesses offer decent benefits to their employees.   My job I have enough paid time off that I could afford to take a few weeks off.  However, the travel and service industry on majority gives little to no benefits to most their employees.

So yes while people dying is a tragedy.  I actually care more for those that live pay check to pay check and have no option to use time off.  I care for the ones that because mandatory shutdown that they just got laid off and now have to file for unemployment as long as they were with the company for least 6 months (might vary state to state) then they will get benefits.  Guess what?  You have to wait almost a month to collect on unemployment (which I believe is 65% of former earnings) but they do back date a check or two once you do receive the first check.  Well that month went by and you live paycheck to paycheck so I'm sure you probably had to go into debt by credit or late on rent/other bills.  Welcome to the lower class death spiral called life in USA and this virus just blew it all up.  If anything this virus just exposes the inequality in USA more than anything.  How else do you explain earlier when test were rare that a NBA whole team can get tested when that represented about 1/3 of the total test that were ran that day.  The rich apparently had easy access to testing while the poor just have to wait.

Sorry if I sounded arrogant, mean or just simply an asshole.  I am an asshole though I can admit that.

Last edited by sethnintendo - on 19 March 2020