vivster said: I'm not against containment measures. It's perfectly fine to try to stop the spread. What's not fine is wasting energy and resources on light cases and then complain about an overwhelmed healthcare system. With the panic that is going around I can't even be sure that only the most severe cases are hospitalized, because considering the still low number of cases world wide it seems that many people are way overtreated. I wonder how many people are hospitalized that only display symptoms of a regular flu. |
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Of course only the most severe cases are hospitalized. Most sick people here in Italy are instructed to stay at home and call the doctors only if they feel very sick.
The difference with a normal flu is massive. The population has no antibodies for this virus and we don't have effective drugs yet. These two differences make the Covid-19 several times more dangerous than the average flu. Please stop spreading misinformation and listen to experts. And no, reading some decontextualized data is not a good way to obtain information.