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Ugh, getting hotter here

- 39 new cases in Ontario, marking the biggest single-day increase: 14 in Toronto, 5 in Peel, 5 in Ottawa, 3 in Hamilton, 3 in York Region, 2 in Waterloo, 2 in Durham, 2 in Simcoe-Muskoka, 1 in Niagara, 1 in Haliburton-Kawartha-Pineridge and 1 "pending."

The brits are cheery

UK: “As many as 80% of the population are expected to be infected with Covid-19 in the next 12 months, and up to 15% (7.9 million people) may require hospitalization” a secret Public Health England (PHE) briefing for senior NHS officials, seen by the Guardian, reveals [source]

- “A year is entirely plausible. But that figure isn’t well appreciated or understood [...] I think it will dip in the summer, towards the end of June, and come back in November, in the way that usual seasonal flu does. I think it will be around forever, but become less severe over time, as immunity builds up,” commented Paul Hunter, an expert in epidemiology [source]