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Moren said:
uran10 said:

Oh how did I know this was coming. What is his current position? Means tested never works, it never will. Just look at Obamacare, its the perfect example. Also on the empathy thing, its funny, in fact very funny. He was one of the people who wasn't in favour of any of these things and is a major reason why us young people are in such a sorry state cause guess what? he voted for the majority of the things that have screwed us over. Nah, screw that.

Frankly, there is nothing Biden could do to gain your vote. Your demands are not in good faith. Warren was a "neoliberal snake" from the second she announced her campaign and she was a strong progressive. Clearly, you have no empathy for anyone besides the fringes, and don't really believe in the causes you profess. I have had strong disagreements with pretty much everyone in this thread, but at least it is a reflection of their desire and passion to improve the lives of American people. That is not the case with you at all.

You are unhinged, selfish, and give Bernie supporters a bad name. The "we" and "us" you keep talking about seem to be the voices in your head

I, for one, am happy to see Biden adopt the best policies of both Warren and Sanders, even if it can be a tough pill to swallow for me in many cases. I hope that both Biden and Bernie can negotiate, and Biden compromises with the progressive wing in a lot of policies.

There are no voices in my head, but there are #neverbiden people who are real and quite frankly go read the edit I put in. I'm not that far left, I just have morals. I want simple basic human rights. I don't want to inch towards them, I don't want to start in the middle and end up with nothing or some very slight improvement (see again obamacare which has been gutted anyway). This isn't about Bernie or Biden or Trump. This is about policies and who I trust to get them implemented or fight for them. Do I think some 1% owned person like Biden will do it? No. That's the truth. And you're right, Biden can never get my vote just like Trump and Hillary could never get my vote. They have to earn it by proving that they're for the working class and by fighting for us and they've shown time and time again that they aren't for us. Read the edit I did on my last post, I went into full details there. And no, Honestly I'm not selfish or unhinged. I want simpl basic rights and I want someone who will fight for them. Biden will not. He's been in power for 40 years and he's squashed those. the Bankruptcy he's coming out against. HE WAS THE ARCHITECT.  I can't and I'm not the only 1. I'm not on "Bernie" twitter, I'm on Lefty twitter. We compromise for Sanders and if its not him, there are others who are solely Tulsi, other than that they either vote green or not at all. These people are mostly independents, the largest voting block and the block Bernie wins that Biden cannot and the block that decides elections. So no, There are millions of us screaming neverbiden and pointing to his record and even how he would handle this situation. In fact, let's look into Saagar's radar real quick to see how the obama administration had to come out against Biden.

Just in case you decide not to read it here it is anyway:

uran10 said:

Oh how did I know this was coming. What is his current position? Means tested never works, it never will. Just look at Obamacare, its the perfect example. Also on the empathy thing, its funny, in fact very funny. He was one of the people who wasn't in favour of any of these things and is a major reason why us young people are in such a sorry state cause guess what? he voted for the majority of the things that have screwed us over. Nah, screw that.

Edit: Just pointing out, why would we put someone whose been on the wrong side of history for almost everything for the last 40 years in charge of the country? I will never understand support for Biden because he literally is a major reason why Trump is in power. Neoliberal policies always lead to fascism. We literally have 3 people in the race. 1 Person who cannot win because they don't have the following, 1 person who is riding off of Obama's coattails after literally being wrong about the majority of things and has voted to screw us over so many times, and the last person who has been on the right side of history for the most part for the same time frame.

Even now we have a pandemic going on, and what does he do? He carries out misinformation for political expedience. He keeps proving more and more why he's not fit but this is the response whenever we point it out. "Shut up, he's winning, and Trump's worse blah blah" Give me a break. I trust the guy that has been right not the guy that is using nostalgia and has been wrong on most issues. Joe's record vs Trump and honestly, if it wasn't for covid and the economy Trump would easily win and I'll say it. I will never vote for either of them but I'll be honest with my thoughts. I think Joe is worse than Trump. Joe has a long record of being incorrect on everything, Trump while a fascist xenophobe has come out and said and done things that are actually right in certain circumstances and if he stuck to his principles he wouldn't be as "shit" as he is. He was actually for universal healthcare, then he sat down with the Health insurance companies and changed his mind and came up with that god awful Trump care. His problem (besides being incredibly stupid) is that he's surrounded himself with the swamp he claimed he was removing and they influence him to do the same old same old, he's just too ugly of a face on it for them to get away with it as they please. Joe's the face that most will overlook as he does the exact same things. I know a lot will disagree with me on this, but I see Joe before his cognitive decline saying a lot of bad, and I see Trump at that same point in time saying things to the left of him such as full support for universal healthcare. They're both people I could never bring myself to vote for, but I'm going to be objective and point out, as bad as Trump is, atleast he's incompetent and wont get as much evil through, unlike Joe who has been pushing all these bad policies through and on to us for years. It doesn't help that he also campaigned for a republican in the year.... 2018. Yes. 2018. But Anyway, he's your guy. He will never be mine. I can't vote for someone as god awful as him. I can't vote for someone as God awful as Trump. My US rep is a terrible right wing Dino who wanted to challenge Pelosi from the right and is an ex republican and I think she's being challenged. But at this point, if Bernie really isn't at the top of the ticket I most likely wont vote. I'm not selling my soul or voting lesser of two evils. I'm not voting and approving of these people. I refuse to give either of these evils my vote if it comes down to them and I will repeat this as many times as I have to until you get it. There are many many others like me. Some say bernie or Bust, some say They'll vote green, some say Bernie is the furthers RIGHT they will go. He is the compromise for us and no pandering or policy change Joe makes will ever change that because he is owned by the 1% and will always do their bidding.

Last edited by uran10 - on 15 March 2020

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