jason1637 said:
Yeah his approach makes no sense. There has been cases in schools and they've only closed these individual schools for a day. Other states have set schools up as day care centers and food centers or got rid of mandatory attendance. The Governor has already dropped the 180 school days requirement so De Blasio can close it for awhile if he decides to. |
The problem with that is, it's only half measures when you keep day cares open or turn schools into day cares. Unless they instruct all the kids to stay away from each other. After reading that article about flattening the curve only really working if you can stretch it out to a decade, as much containment as possible is still the only way to limit damage. But to get on track, first we need to stop the current uncontrolled spread and take inventory on where the virus is. Faster and mass produced tests are needed, while people stay at home.