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sundin13 said:
Eagle367 said:

The way I see it. Biden is like poisoning the US over many years. A slow death. Trump is like a stab to the gut. Still slow, but not nearly as much. Biden is better than Trump but he'll continue the decline of the US. In the end, Americans will choose whether they want to heal or die in different ways. The Empire can't behave like an empire anymore and the hegemony is over. Now you can be like the Romans who died out or the English who made UK better than it was as an empire.

How is slowly moving to the left "poisoning"?

Biden's healthcare plan is more progressive than what we have now. Basically all of his plans are. While there may be some imperative to getting to our end goal more quickly, why not choose the candidate that will at least give us a bit of a head start instead of sprinting in the opposite direction?

The way to help usher Bernie's Revolution forward is by bringing people into the system and encouraging people who don't vote to start voting. All of this Bernie or Bust talk is just pushing us in the opposite direction. It shows in how the voters reacted to Bernie this time around. He lost ground in a lot of areas, and his young demographic simply did not show up. Trump isn't pushing us closer to a revolution. All he is doing is dragging us away from that destination. The fact that any Sanders supporter can act so blind to the damage that is being done still just baffles me. If you truly support Bernie's ideas, vote for Biden in the general.

The difference is you have a much better handle on how the democratic process works than most people in a gaming forum do. Instead of paying attention to the hype and sales pitches, you pay more attention to reality.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.