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Die Another Day

Opening credits are awful – a very music video style sequence.  The theme tune, its certainly a divisive one, people either love it or really hate. I’m actually ok with it even if it doesn’t fit the film and led to Madonna’s awful cameo.

So I'm not actually going to review any further, this is film is so bad it's not even worthy of it.
I'll just note some of the embarrassments:
Needlessly terrible looking Green Scene after Green Scene sequences, half of which could have easily been shot with stunts on location.
Invisible Car, windsurfing, the danger room sequence with the sunglasses, almost every actin sequence in slow-motion, Michael Madsen looking like it doesn't want to be here, the creating of some stupid DNA restructuring storyline seemingly so they can have a North Korean villain but played by a white British guy...

Stephens is even less intimidating as a villain than Jonathan Pryce, an at least Pryce had the excuse of age and playing a media mogul, not a general.
Rosemund Pike is the only person who comes out of this with any credibility.

Atrocious... 1/10.

Last edited by noir_solitude - on 08 March 2020