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John2290 said:
Lafiel said:

corona viruses (like SARS and the new one) are RNA viruses and therefore are highly variable, albeit a little bit less than other types of RNA viruses, meaning that it's unlikely there will be a vaccine that works for a long time

and as SARS itself just vanished after the HK outbreak there was no real need to develop one (which would pretty certainly have been ineffective for a new outbreak years later anyway)

influenza viruses ("the flu") also are RNA viruses (more variable ones than corona viruses though) which is why people need a new flu shot every season

drugs stay more effective as they generally target the virus reproduction, which is a bit less prone to change than it's surface structures (which is what vaccines/the body target)

That's really soothing but not soothing at all. Wait, that's the opposite of soothing, what's a good antonym for soothing, hmm, fucked works. That's fucked. It means they have absolutely no idea how, when or how long or if at all there will be a vaccine for mass production. First phase one trials in April but shouldn't they keep it completely hush, hush in case, ya know, they fail or god forbid fail multiple times consequently or differnet companies all fail and it looks to the public as if it's a string of failures, oh that'll make everyone feel right warm and fuzzy and not at all agitated. 

What makes you think that vaccines will fix anything? There are countless flu vaccines every single year, yet there are millions and millions of flu cases every year. That's because viruses are very resistant and mutate constantly. Mutating is like their whole thing. So what do you think will happen after we get a vaccine for this one? First of all, not everyone will get a shot, most people probably won't even bother getting one. So the disease will just spread further and it will become a normal everyday disease like we have so many of. What do you think causes a cold?

This massive outrage about a thing that we had to deal with for millennia every single day, that you had to deal with every single day since you were born, is just ridiculous. And you can absolutely count on the fact that the outrage and massive overreaction to this virus will hurt much much more people in the long run than the virus ever could. Anxiety, stress, an overburdened health system that cannot function properly because a light cold is treated as if it's the black plague, a heavily damaged economy, all these things will hurt so many people. I don't even want to think about the amount of people who got their treatments for their serious illnesses delayed, because so many resources are wasted on this bullshit. And you, with your panic far removed from reality, are at the forefront of causing all that harm to others who just want to live their lives. Congratulations.

Last edited by vivster - on 08 March 2020

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