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bumidan said:

For MSFT 2007 Annual Report

Revenue: 6,083 (Million) (4,756 - for FY 2006)

Operating Income (Loss): (1,892) (Loss of 1,284 for FY 2006)

XBox Platform and PC Games - Revenue up $650 Million

(Shipped 6.6 Million X360 in 2007, compared to 5.0 Million in FY 2006)

Zune, TV Platform, Consumer Hardware/Software - Revenue Up $539 Million

Windows Embedded, Mobile - Revenue Up $138 Million

FY 2007 already includes $1.06 Billion RROD charge already (as per the annual report).

Quote "EDD operating loss increased primarily due to the $1.06 billion Xbox 360 charge recognized in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2007 and Zune launch-related expenses" EndQuote

Analysis in the next post.

Thread title: "Microsoft Game Division 2007 Financials - XBox Loss, not as Big?"

- not as big as what??????????????????????????

- WTH is "Revenue Up"? What significance does it bear in this context? 

- Why do I see a bunch of FY 2006 numbers? What significance?

- What relevance does this all have in regards to MS Gaming division profits today and the X360 profitability today?