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I was playing the three routes simultaneously, until I discovered if you end one route you can keep your renown bonus in your next play-trough. So I stopped by Black Eagles house route at chapter 4 and will restart this journey twice after I finish my Blue Lions and Golden Deer routes.

I used Permadeath in both, but since I never played Fire Emblem before I must admit I really abused from rewind feature specially in my Golden Deer's route which was my first route, and really made me overwhelmed by game mechanics by somewhat I managed to make it work. My first Blue Lions playtrough was so disastrous that I restarted it after the chapter 6. Now I'm finally in chapter 14 of both routes and understand the game mechanics (and starting to find the game a bit easy in my restarted Azure Moon route) I won't use it anymore, and will accept my faith if some unit end dying

I want to try to play Silver Snow mostly with Knights of Seiros plus some members of other houses, and Crimson Flower with my original Black Eagles rouse members. I will play in hard mode this time (I was playing only in Normal so far), with permadeath activated and using it only if I click in a button by accident, never to correct a strategy error

Probably going to play: Azure Moon (currently playing) > Verdant Wind > Crimson Flower > Silver Snow, in this order

I'll probably speedrun Silver Snow, since it's mostly a Verdant Wind rip off from what I read. Planning to finish everything until June with some good 170 hours of gameplay (currently in 75 hours). I'll probably never play this game again lmao

Last edited by IcaroRibeiro - on 07 March 2020