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Still baffles me that in an era where diversity is championed, and in the midst of the #Metoo thing, the rich establishment is increasingly viewed unfavorably, the golden boy of choice for the establishment Demcrats is.. Joe Biden. Can't make this stuff up.

I think people severely overstate the "safeness" or electability of this guy (or whatever the hell it is they see in him). With his record on NAFTA and TPP, he has zero shot to win the Rust belt - aside from here in Illinois where we're more "#votebluenomatterwho" and his home state of Pen. His only real strength is the South which Trump's going to have no trouble knocking out anyway. You've also got his Neocon-esque voting record, and his clear early signs of dementia, which Trump will have an absolute FIELD day exposing. All they really have against Bern is the "crazy communist/radical socialist!" thing, which is quite obviously not true to anyone with any sense and will easily be debunked.

In other news, Warren has dropped out, leaving Tulsi as the only female candidate now in the race. Even as optimistic as I was, never did I expect that. Tulsi's a survivor and a fighter, an inspiration that she can withstand all these arrows from all directions in addition to the media blackout.

Not only this but she's the only woman left in the race, but the only candidate of color, vegan, Hindu, combat veteran and really the only overtly anti-war candidate. But again, can't wait to see the self-exposed hypocrisy following the inevitable smearing, slandering, and ignoring the only woman in the running - and just on the heels of a race where if people didn't want to vote for Hillary Clinton and questioned her record, they were automatically viewed as "sexist." But such is the power of brainwashing media I guess. And the backlash from the establishment if you dare go against the military industrial complex. I mean I knew it was bad, but I never truly got a grasp on just HOW powerful until I witnessed this onslaught of unjustified smears against Gabbard, a candidate who basically checks all the boxes for liberals/progressives. I still say if she didn't dare to back out of the DNC Vice Chair position to support Bernie in '16 she'd be the current rising star and darling of the party - the next Obama.

Anyway, it'll be very interesting to see how this plays out as far as the debate and media coverage now that she's only one of 3 remaining candidates. I would think at this point these guys can no longer ignore her, and it's going to become very VERY blatant to even the average voter if they attempt to continue this. I really hope she can make the debate. It'd be amusing to see Bernie and Tulsi both going after Biden the majority of the time as he stumbles on his words.

Oh, one side note I've noticed - sure seems like the establishment/centrist/corporatist wing of the Dems tend to attack and discredit the SUPPORTERS of a candidate (ie pointing to problematic toxic "Bernie Bros", despite Bernie having the most diverse coalition which is mainly women and POC). Meanwhile, the progressive & more independent wing seem to go after the actual record/policies of the candidate THEMSELVES. That's the key distinction...


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden