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haxxiy said:

Jumpin said:

Luckily for the US, according to Trump, the Coronavirus is very much under control, and he has announced that cases have gone down from 12 to 88. It's practically wiped out now. By April, cases might have dropped in numbers to 10,000, and it will disappear by October having no more than a few million cases remaining.

Not to mention he confirmed his rallies are 100% safe from the Coronavirus, so go for it, Republican folks.

OT - yeah, this thing has been flying under the radar all over the West Coast for weeks now, on all likelihood. And it potentially has assymptomatic / incumbating cases everywhere in the country.

Definitely, 5 new deaths reported today in the USA. Best medical system (so they claim) in the world yet people can't afford to go to the doctor with what looks like the flu initially. Nobody died yet in Germany and only 2 serious cases out of 165 detected. The number for the US is very much under reported / undetected.

CNBC reporting the death rate may only be 0.2%. Hmm yeah sure, they must know better than the CDC and WHO