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sethnintendo said:
drkohler said:

Extremely naive viewpoint.

The flu is everywhere. The coronavirus is basically contained in a major city thanks to a totalitarian regime. You better pray a vaccine will show up one day before the coronavirus gets as widespread a the flu.

I never got the swine flu vaccine and that has been long history.  I'm not worried and I don't go out much.  I don't even get flu shot and haven't had flu since kid.  Ill worry about it when I'm on my death bed.

I'm not worried for myself either, however I assume you might still have parents or even grand parents or other people you know and care about that don't have an iron immune system.

The virus arrived in NY, it's closing in from 2 sides. 81 cases in the US, 24 in Canada. How long to risk sending the kids to school still :/ By the time a case is discovered it has already spread on. March break is up in 2 weeks, couldn't come at a worse time for people to go on holiday.