useruserB said:
Yeah china is doing way more than anyone else, but only out of self-interest and to minimize further impact and spread to themselves. They didn't and still don't give a shit if it spreads worldwide. Pretty sure they consider worldwide spread more favorable/preferable to only domestic. They just realized they could no longer cover it up and had to take drastic action to stop it from spreading further into china. The entire time china was quarantining whole cities, they were demanding other countries leave their borders open to Chinese travelers. Countries like iran had no choice since china is basically one of their few allies. Look at the mess they're innow. "In late December, several genomics companies tested samples from sick patients in Wuhan — the center of the coronavirus outbreak — and noticed alarming similarities between their illnesses and the 2002 SARS virus, the Sunday Times of London reported, citing Chinese business news site Caixin Global. The researchers alerted Beijing of their findings — and on Jan. 3, received a gag order from China’s National Health Commission, with instructions to destroy the samples." |
Sadly that's what countries do. Trump is downplaying the whole thing as well and under reporting the numbers (talking about 22 instead of 60 active cases) Meanwhile praising himself for closing the borders to China on Januari 31st, praising China for the numbers to be way down. He thinks the professionals have it all figured it out. Vaccine already figured out. It will be a smaller circumstance, ask the media to be careful, no reason to panic at all.
Do you trust him... Can't trust the others anymore either since they have effectively been gagged.
Mike Pence: Borders to Iran now have been closed, yet just an advisory for Americans not to travel to certain areas in Italy and South Korea. (Meanwhile it's in over 60 countries) We have more than 40 million masks available (not 100% effective btw) so far for health care providers. (who can still get sick with the standard 3M masks)
CDC: From day one, this is what we expected, the risk remains low (how different from before he got muzzled) We will see more cases, vast majority will have mild to moderate symptoms, simply stay at home when you feel sick. Lower the amount of travel to stricken areas.
Towards the end, they did find new cases without links. We will see more new cases in clusters, isolate, trace contacts. But it will continue to evolve. Risk to American public remains low, we anticipate new cases, but I state, the risk remains low.
Trump, we're doing such a good job.
CDC: I have not been muzzled, just need to clear what I say with Mike Pence. LOL
Anyway, in the world we live in, no country can truly isolate itself. America would grind to a halt without imports from China.
CDC: 75% to 80% will do quite well (bad flu or cold) 15% to 20% will go on to require advanced medical care. (That's higher than I thought) The elderly and those with underlying heart disease, chronic lung disease, diabetes and/or obesity are at risk. However everyone once in a while young healthy people will die as well.
Trump: Good news, Starbucks is open again in China and Apple is back to business... WTF lol.
No travel restrictions in the US, Americans, I re-iterate, are at low risk.
Mexico: Keeping the border open.
China: We're doing more trade deals, we're closer with China now.
Trump beating the drum, China won't overtake our economy, we'll refinance our debt at lower rates, etc etc.
The markets will come back, our consumers are in a great position, our professionals are doing a great job, the numbers are very strong.
Nothing about Canada (it's here as well). The risk is considered low here as well, still in containment phase and concerns are about protection of health care workers. However ""
Oh well, it will come around sooner or later, it seems unstoppable since no country is prepared to actually close its borders and isolate until cleared. Even if you do that it would mean people running out of food and other things. 87k cases now, almost 3k dead. The decline in active cases is flattening out and will soon go up again now the cases in the rest of the world are growing exponentially.
Be prepared, hope for the best. Maybe a quick rise in temperature will slow it down. Global warming might save us yet!