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your mother said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Why are people saying the 80 GB is cheaper?

Then why the hell does it cost us more??

It costs cheaper per mb.

The price difference between 60/80gb drives is miniscule. The 80gb version, I'm almost positive, will have the newer motherboard that has removed the EE chip, thus less parts, cheaper to produce.

My theory is ... it costs more because they want to get rid of the 60gb stock. Hell, even the 60gb version in EU is cheaper than the US version because of the hardware difference. So, if they get rid of the 60gb stock, then they can do one of two things:

1) Discontinue the 60gb. This way, they can eliminate the pack-in for the 80gb and offer that at $499.


2) Introduce the 60gb EE-less version to the US at $499 and keep the 2-SKU package.

But, I think the price difference between the 60gb and 80gb is ridiculous. The pack-in game and 20gb doesn't justify $100 extra dollars, IMO.