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Lets be honest, sony can price their console same as xbox and still with lower specs and still will beat it in sales, if sony was smart, they would actually release the ps5 before xbox, 80% of gamers already planned to get it, the other 20% who want an xbox might just not wait and change to ps. Look at the ps2 that was released before the xbox, it killed the xbox in sales around 158 million against 25 million, even tough xbox had better specs and more sales.

I believe the same would happen again if sony releases a couple months before xbox. People are ready, xbox fans not so much because they just upgraded to the X.

Here in the UK I literally know of no one planning to get an xbox, I'm the only one I know of that buys all consoles, money is not an issue at all for me, my house is fully paid so I can buy a ps5, xbox series X and switch with the saving of 1 month work, and I still would have money for a couple games.