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Why is it so hard for people to understand that the Wii and PS3/360 are different kinds of systems? OMG DEY R BOTH USED 2 PLAY VIDEOGAMES!!ONEONE111 That is like saying a Jeep and a Prius are both used to drive to work. But the Jeep can go off road, a Prius is an in town car. The PS3/360 plays games and does other stuff, a Wii just does games. A Jeep drives around town and off roads, a Prius is just for driving around town.

And the Wii will win this generation, very probably quite easily (I think myself and most people on this forum that use two braincells would be suprised if either the ps3 or the 360 are even within 50 million of the Wii). Sony could cut the price down by a lot but they are 15 million behind the Wii and the Wii can't be produced fast enough.