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thismeintiel said:

Q3 Nintendo
Base Switch shipment = 7.58M
Switch Lite shiptment= 3.24M
Switch Total shipment = 10.81M

Nearly 3 years on the market without a price drop for Base Switch and only dropped 1.84M from previous year Q3 and competing against $200 SKU at the same time.

wonder. noun. noun. /ˈwʌndər/ 1[uncountable]
a feeling of surprise and admiration that you have when you see or experience something beautiful, unusual, or unexpected

Doing Wonder is a brand new MEME after falling off a cliff

So, 3M boost thanks to a $199 price point. Truly wonderful.

A lot of those 3M probably would've bought a regular Switch for Pokemon anyway had the Lite not released. "Wonderful" is a big overstatement when the SKU that's $100 more expensive still makes up the bulk of sales.