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All this blabbing about whether the Republican party is "right" or "right wing" or "far right" or extreme or whatever is pointless semantics. As is the talk about the Democratic party. We're here to discuss the Democratic primary. Like it or not, the Republican party IS worse than the Democratic party, for the simple fact that the Republicans are a threat to the USA continuing to be a democracy, and the Democrats are not. Like it or not, the Republicans are so far to the right from the center that bipartisan action doesn't happen anymore, almost at all, even between supposed "moderate Republicans" and supposed "conservative Democrats". Like it or not, the Democratic party is what's known as a "big tent" party that attracts a wide ideological spectrum. It has politicians that are decidedly to the right of the center, all the way well into the left, and everything in between, and from a perspective of global democracies, I'd say it hovers in the center to right-of-center, but that doesn't matter because we aren't "global democracy", we're one country, and what passes for our elected left exists entirely within the Democratic party, though they definitely don't control it. Their influence is rising, and that's due to the failures of the centrists, failures the centrists refuse to own, which just discredits them further and contributes to the further rise of the left in their party. It isn't a leftwing party yet, but it will probably become one in the future. We're just here to decide if it makes a big shift to the left now, or kicks that can down the road some more, but the demographics aren't on the centrists side, nor are the policy successes.