Ka-pi96 said:
By what metric, exactly? Because I'd be willing to bet that it'll be smaller in terms of sales than FIFA 21 and this years COD game (those 2 probably beat it on PS4 by itself, let alone all versions combined). I kind of expect TLOU2 to outsell it as well. |
When I said biggest I ment = budget, quality, graphics, Story, expectations, wow-factor (you get CoD+Fifa every year) ect.
TLoU - part 2 + Final Fantasy 7 Remake + CyberPunk 2077 are the "big" tittles for 2020.
I expect them all to get pretty great metacritic scores too, but that wasnt really what I ment by "big" titles.
These are "the movers & shakers" that will push hardware, akin to a new Zelda Breath of the Wild or Mario Oddessey.
Some games are great enough, to make you go out and buy a console if your lacking one.
These titles are that type of games.