Mnementh said:
It's a bit strange. Does anybody know why? Want THQ do this themself or has Nintendo bad relations with them? Anyways, I want to give a shoutout to THQ Nordic (and Koch Media and what else is part of THQ), because they do outstandig support of the Switch. I mean nothing is a top AAA, but that is THQ in their completeness. But what they have as IPs are mostly dropped on Switch: Darksiders (1+2), Red Faction, Titan Quest, Battle Chasers, This is the Police (1+2), de Blob (1+2), Saints Row, all the 'Secret Files: ...' games, Townsmen, Giana Sisters and a lot more. These are major parts of their whole list of IPs. |
Not sure why, that's just the answer I got when I asked the same question on multiple forums and twitter haha