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Cerebralbore101 said:

I'm not a fan of Biden in the least. I hope he loses the nomination, because if he wins it we are losing the general election. That being said, the Bernie camp is spreading an outright lie about him wanting to shut down Social Security. I won't stand for that. Here's what Biden said in it's full context...

Biden is making fun of Paul Ryan's Social Security cuts, not promoting them.

Apparently no one bothered to click Uran's links. Biden may not have advocated "shutting down" Social Security in the clip above, just as he never advocated "shutting it down" but that doesn't mean he didn't advocate cutting it in some way. Here he is advocating freezing it, and sure, he advocates freezing all spending, but why freeze something that millions of seniors depend on to live?

Look how proud he is of that! Know what else he's proud of? Working to get a constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget, something that Paul Ryan wanted for years because it would FORCE the cutting of Social Security. Here's that:

And lest you say that was a long time ago, here he is running for President in 07, again supporting Social Security cuts.

If you want to call Bernie a liar, I can't stop you, but I suggest you believe Biden when he says he wants to cut Social Security, because these clips aren't hard to find and will make for some potent ads against Biden in the general election.