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Well this is the first official VGCHARTZ user interview, I leo-j have intervewed soriku and what he thinks/likes about the video game industry.



Interviewer: The OP

op: well soriku this is your first interview?

Soriku: yes

op: Lets get started, now whats your favorite genre

Soriku: hmm... Id say racing ..eerrr I mean RPG

op: You seem intersted in games such as "TALES OF" and "KINGDOM HEARTS"

Soriku: Yes I am

op: What about these games interest you the most?

Soriku: They are RPG's

op: ok...anything else?

Soriku: Well the games are very story driven, and the gameplay is great, though I thought Kingdom hearts 2 was a bit on the easy side, The tales games were some of my favorite Gamecube titles.

op: Whats your favorite console?

Soriku: The wii

op: Why, what makes it better than the other consoles?

Soriku: Well nothing really, but its the only thing I could afford, and it has some of the best games, I like its innovative controller.

op: To your opinion is the support that the wii is getting from third parties good? Or is it lame to you?

Soriku: Good or lame? lol, Well its not that good I think 3rd parties should develop were the money is, the wii, the wii is a great console with amazing potential, I think that 3rd parties dont take it seriously.


op:Well soriku are there any games coming out this summer that interest you?

Soriku: No not really

op: Well disegea 3 is an RPG and its coming out in the summer

Soriku: No.. that comes out in the fall

op: August is in the summer..

Soriku: No its not

Well soriku thank you for your time these ends the interview.


