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Pemalite said:
Mr Puggsly said:

"Some of Rare's greatest success has actually been with MS."

Pretty difficult to top Donkey Kong Country 1,2 and 3 and Killer Instinct on the SNES... And then beat Golden Eye, Perfect Dark, Donkey Kong and Conker on the Nintendo 64.

RARE's titles haven't been bad on the Xbox, if anything I think they are criminally underrated most of the time, but they certainly haven't been leading the industry. - In saying that, the industry is very different than the SNES/N64 era anyway, lots more competition.

As I just mentioned Kinect Sports might be their 3rd best selling games, at least according to this site.

Rare's Xbox games aren't bad. They don't get the praise as their N64 work but I feel they've aged better.

I enjoyed some of their 8 and 16 bit stuff, while most of their N64 stuff never felt good to me. But I did enjoy some of their Xbox stuff, Banjo N&B is fucking great. I played a ton of KI (2013), I haven't played much Sea of Thieves but its a big hit.

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