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RolStoppable said:
Soundwave said:

No, the reason you're not seeing results anywhere close to that from anyone else is because this guy is full of shit. 

People fall for all sorts of stupid quick fix fads because they think diet/fitness is some mythical thing that impacts some people completely different.  

If you want to lose weight and you create a calorie deficit, you will lose weight. But it takes time, and 200 calories lost from 25 minutes of mild cardio is a drop in the bucket. There is no diet that can lose a giant ass gut like what that guy had without full on fasting in that time period. This guy didn't discover some magical thing that even top level bodybuilders, Olympians, Hollywood actors, and pro athletes don't know about. 

The only way to lose a gut like that in a month would be to fast and/or vomit up all the food you are eating (yes even "healthy food", calories are still calories they don't magically evaporate), light cardio is not going is going to be nothing compared to that. And even then it would be extremely difficult to do that. He's clearly using a photo from a year or more prior. 

Denial about metabolism, tsk tsk.

Those are photos, remember. Sucking in the stomach a bit on the "after" picture doesn't take much effort. Regardless, RFA does what it is supposed to do.

Eh I know a thing or two about metabolism as I had an extreme metabolism in high school and had to power down mass gainer shakes with lunch and breakfast every day. Metabolism doesn't magically change calories in/out that much. 

That guy is developing man boobs in the photo he shared it's not just a gut with a body fat percentage probably in excess of 25% in his original photo.

If you could pull that off in 30 days every actor in Hollywood would pay him millions of dollars to come set up the same diet for them, with a laughable 25 minutes/day of light cardio only, lol. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 07 January 2020