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RolStoppable said:
Soundwave said:

Any activity that raises your heart rate past 120-130 for 20-25 minutes can burn calories. You can do jumping jacks standing in one spot and burn the same calories.

200 calories extra burned a day in 1 month, 2 months, or even 3 months is not going to get you anywhere near that result, that's just a fact. You would have to fast, not diet, talking about full on starving your body and not having any meals for long periods of time, any physical activity in the range of only 200 calories spent a day isn't doing jack shit to that in a period of that short of a time. 

If that result was possible you would see 10,000 people posting similar results, hell if you could get those results why stop at 25 minutes a day, many people would go a full hour and theoretically get the same result in 2 weeks. The reason you're not hearing any stories like that is because it's bullshit.  

200 calories of cardio a day means you can now eat an extra granola bar or half a sandwich. Whoopity freaking doo. Calories are calories, there's no way around that it's like trying to say $5 of gasoline in your car should get you $20 worth of distance ... uh no. That's not a matter of opinion. 

I am pretty sure the reason why there aren't more stories like this is that most people are unable to pull it off to keep up a daily routine for a month straight. And those people who do are usually not fat in the first place.

Also, it's fact that metabolism differs between individuals, so results of the same exercise routine and diet can greatly differ from person to person.

No, the reason you're not seeing results anywhere close to that from anyone else is because this guy is full of shit. 

People fall for all sorts of stupid quick fix fads because they think diet/fitness is some mythical thing that impacts some people completely different.  

If you want to lose weight and you create a calorie deficit, you will lose weight. But it takes time, and 200 calories lost from 25 minutes of mild cardio is a drop in the bucket. There is no diet that can lose a giant ass gut like what that guy had without full on fasting in that time period. This guy didn't discover some magical thing that even top level bodybuilders, Olympians, Hollywood actors, and pro athletes don't know about. 

The only way to lose a gut like that in a month would be to fast and/or vomit up all the food you are eating (yes even "healthy food", calories are still calories they don't magically evaporate), light cardio is not going is going to be nothing compared to that. And even then it would be extremely difficult to do that. He's clearly using a photo from a year or more prior. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 06 January 2020