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Shadow1980 said:

EDIT: And might I add that all of this mess with Iran could have been avoided had we not deposed their democratically-elected secular government back in the 1950s just to protect an oil company's bottom line. Blowback is a bitch.

Indeed. More people need to read about this story. It's hard to pint point the USA's biggest blunder, but this one sticks out.

JRPGfan said:

Americans love wars..... sadly.

I wouldn't say that. Americans have been voting for the peace candidate, the one who will bring the troops back home, for over a decade now. If they want to happen though, they need to realize that their country is mostly not run by their elected officials who openly make a living out of pay-to-play politics. 

teamsilent13 said:

Just because Russia didn't change the results of our election doesn't mean they didn't make some efforts to disrupt it. And in most cases at least with the facebook ads it was negative information on both candidates. I have no idea the real nature of WikiLeaks and if they have any real ties to Russia or not. Wikileaks I believe was given information presumably from Russia regarding Hillary Clinton's emails, but there was nothing really to get up in arms because Hillary dug her own grave by having an illegal server and saying the things in the emails. Many large countries from Russia to China and the EU attempt to disrupt our election at some level. 

That being said Israel has a huge stranglehold in American politics starting from a lobbying level, to disproportional donors, and to being our largest aid recipient. Israel has been in control of foreign policy since neoliberal/neoconservatives were put in charge of it. If the neocons are still in power, if Jared Kushner is being given a lot of power, most importantly if Netenyahu is lifetime friends with Trump then there's reason to think that Israel is guiding Trump's policy. I have a lot of technical reasons for why it's obvious, but I don't feel like posting pages of information and then getting called the anti word. I will not support Trump if this escalates to war. He will regain my respect if he manages to get this quiet fast like he did with Syria. I am not a pacifist btw. But it's clear we are here to bully for Israel. Otherwise I guess the war is for oil? I mean this is the same military that idle'd military vehicles 24/7 for almost two decades in Afghanistan. 

Every POTUS is someone's puppet. American elections are set up to be meddled with by default. The military-industrial complex, rich eastern monarchs, political unions (EU) and giant corporations, all get to partake in the foreign policy making process. It's an open secret that too many choose to ignore. 

If Americans actually want to get what they thought they vote for they need to be a lot more involved in politics and actively run for congress, senate as well as electing someone who's truly detached from the "establishment". Simply electing an outsider and call it a day isn't gonna work.