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JEMC said:

God game The Universim enters beta with fancy new planets
Crytivo has announced that god game The Universim is entering Beta alongside an update improving the scale of the game’s planets. The Universim is a hugely ambitious crowdfunded god game that seeks to create a civilization-building experience from the earliest days of neolithic life to a planets-spanning galactic civilization. The next big update for the game will take it into official beta status, and improves several aspects of the game—but focuses primarily on updating the parts of it that generate new worlds. Planets are now larger, filled with more things, and have fancier mountains. They also generate faster to boot.

And that's all for 2019. I wish you all a great 2020. See you in the 2nd!

The Universim is already now a pretty great Godgame, although you can see that it's still unfinished on several spots, especially in the research tree. Been playing since the early pre-alpha. Just hope they can solve that pesky stutter problem after the midgame, really kills the endgame so far.

Edit: Added the roadmap:

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 01 January 2020