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Homeroids said:
SpokenTruth said:

As noted by other testimony from colleagues, she was removed for means that were based on the domestic political issue rather than for actual foreign policy. 

And if were merely a new president issue, why wasn't she recalled in early 2017?

Still does not justify the wording of 'Ousted". She was appointed by Obama. Trump changed many ambassadors when he got in. He left others. She was told to leave in May with an option of staying to July. How is this ousting? Of course there was political pressure to remove her. Are you saying she should stay there given the fact the newer Ukrainian Gov did not even want her as well?

Using words like Oust and Conspire are hardly applicable here.

Hmmm, how do you define Giuliani going on record saying that he got her fired.  That he was the influence to the President in making this happen.  You know, that guy that should not have even been involved in this whole mess.  I would say that sounds like Ousted to me.