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As soon as I read the OP's first paragraph? I knew we would be the absolute opposite on this film. IMO, TLJ was basically a disjointed 24hr car chase in space, all because Poe stuffed up destroying a dreadnought and loosing all those bombers. The whole angsty thing between Poe and the Admiral was just pointless soap opera drama with no benefit to the narrative. TLJ showed how much RJ does not know Star Wars. But, the cinematography was good. But again, Rey's parents - answer? Nothing to see here.

JJ did what he could with TRoS and saved the whole thing from disaster. See - I told you I would be the opposite. Rey's grand parent - everything to see here. Luke? An orphan with loving foster parents who resists the darkside leading to his father's last moment redemption. Rey? An orphan who had trauma of her parents being executed, living the life of a scavenger, and dealing with the anger that comes from this, leading to the redemption of Kylo, and then adopting the name of Skywalker that obviously means metaphorically to her, at least, redemption. JJ made that happen, not RJ. RF threw Rey under the bus. JJ made her the best female/male hero in the whole canon.