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Also, minimum specs and minimum specs are not always the same stuff:

At the end of the video, you can see some benches of Rise of the Tomb Raider where it runs at 34FPS on a GTX 460 in Ultra settings... while the minimum requirement states a 650 is needed. The 650 is about as powerful as the 460, which means in turn that the minimum requirement of this game is actually to play the game at Ultra settings with 30FPS in 1080p and not a low preset 720p with 30ish FPS.

Like I said in another thread with the same theme, I managed to run a couple games on my old Radeon HD 5770 which listed an 7770 or even R7 280 as minimum settings. They don't always mean it doesn't run at anything lower, just that you can't run them in the best settings anymore.

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 17 December 2019