Terry is too much fun in Smash Ultimate, nice to have the legendary wolf in the game.
And SNK came in and just took the crown on music (sorry Castlevania and Megaman), not only the number is just second to Mario, but the quality and variety of it, man, so happy to see AoF, KoF, Fatal Fury, Samsho, Athena, Psycho Soldier, Ikari and Metal Slug represented all in 50 songs.
So much love for a character, series and company that deserves its spot in Smash Bros.
And dat original Shinkiro art in the Spirit Board, good shit.
If I have to be really selfish about this, I would have liked a Mark of the Wolves skin for Terry, but again, all we got with him already goes above and beyond even most of Nintendo's own series in Smash Bros. This and Castlevania are the highlight newcomers for me.