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As far as my E3 predictions go, I suspect Sony will start readying a new campaign for 2009. We will know it as the "Big 5".

The Big 5 for 09 are:


God of War 3

Killzone 2

Gran Turismo 5

and Final Fantasy XIII

We will probably see something at this E3 for all those games. Resistance 2 will get a "Gears of War-esque" demonstration. Little Big Planet will be there. White Knight Chronicals....maybe. Heavy Rain will be there and will be delayed until 2009. "Trico" could be there, although TGS will probably be when it's shown. I doubt we will see the new Twisted Metal. inFamous will be shown a lot as well. and a TON of other surprises as well.

Check us out at the Vindication Gamer Network on Youtube.