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makingmusic476 said:
Munkeh111 said:
Feniris said:

I'm willing to argue about Uncharted 2's release date. IF they are working on a new Jak game ALREADY, then yes, I could see Uncharted 2 being released in the 09 holiday season. But, they aren't going to be working on a new game so soon.

2008 will be the first year that Naughty Dog hasn't released a new product in sucession. This is excluding the years that they took off for the Console Jumps. ( Such as PS1 to PS2, ect.) What that means to me is they are going to have appx. 13 months behind them at the end of this year for the new upcoming game. Lets do a little math, RELEASE HOLIDAY 09' = Appx. 24 months. RELEASE DATE: MAY 09=Appx. 18 months. Seeing as it's N-Dog, they only took 2 years to do Uncharted because they were going to a new platform, then normally they take a year to release a new product. Though, with the PS3's difficult development, they are taking more time. This means that they'll take about 1.5 years to do Uncharted 2 at the very least.

1.5 Years=18 Months. Uncharted released in Nov. of 2007, 18 months from then=MAY 2009!!!

See, there is a method to my inane madness. I'm not just pulling a release date out of my @$$!


Well, on PS2 they did have a 2 year gap between Jak and Jak II and Evan Wells has said that they will have the same this generation so I am expecting Uncharted 2 in 09, and then 3 or Jak 4 in 10

There could be a full WipEout game announcement, as well as God of War III. I think Sony will show something at E3 of FF XIII to showcase the PS3

You are correct. Jak & Daxter released around the holiday season of 2001, and Jak II released around the holiday season of '03. A two year gap between Uncharted and Uncharted 2 makes perfect sense.

And if they do another Jak game after Uncharted 2, I could potentially see there being yet another two year gap between titles, as they'd have to do all the work of bringing Jak to the next gen (new art assets, reinvent the gameplay, etc.) rather than just tweak an already existing franchise in a new locale like they're doing with Uncharted 2.



Well.....You got me there. I still think this make more sense though, with SOCOM 4, Gran Turismo 5 and God of War 3 releasing in the holiday season. They really need to learn to spread out their releases. Plus, this gives them the time necesary to bring in " new art assets, reinvent the gameplay, ect." for Jak 4.  It just, from a business outlook, that Uncharted 2 will come earlier than we expect.

Also, Munkeh 111, could you find me the article were Evan Wells said that?

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