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I'm likely going to be playing this until such a time as something better comes out. And this is from someone who has played Wii Fit and its sequels semi-regularly since it launched. Now that I am getting further into Ring Fit Adventure, I think this makes sense as the successor. While on the surface it may look more limited than Wii Fit, a large number of the exercises are in there, and then they added a lot more.

Q: Why do you say it is NOT more limited than Wii Fit?
A: Because it is not merely about pulling and pressing the ring, the game uses the ring as a means to track your hand and arm positioning, while the leg joycon tracks your leg movement. As a result, positioning is superior to Wii Fit. You can do almost everything with Ring Fit that you can on Wii Fit except pushup tracking (which was kind of shit on Wii Fit anyway due to the small size of the board, especially for Germanic European types and certain African groups who are taller and broader of shoulders than other peoples). So, all of those yoga exercises, aerobics, strength, AND balance exercises can be done on Ring Fit without the need of the balance board. The Joycons are a wonderful piece of technology.

And speaking of Joycon technology...

Vitality Sensor technology is IN the Joycon! At least to a certain degree. The Joycons can track your pulse, this was a surprise to me. If Nintendo mentioned it, I didn't hear it, and it seems like something that would have interested me.

Now, I really want to know what sort of health products Nintendo has down the line. This is totally a direction they should keep going down, and there's a lot more they can do with the Ring, it shouldn't just stop with Ring Fit Adventure - they can really expand on this adventure/RPG Fitness genre. Third parties should take note, and third parties SHOULD work with Nintendo, as it's kind of silly to try to go your own way (like EA did on the Wii... good intentions, but the product was not very responsive and help from Nintendo could have really made it into something great).

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.