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Soundwave said:

Disney movies, regardless of plot decisions, at least feel like they're in the same universe as the OT -- gritty, lived in universe sci-fi with some fantasy. They feel tonally similar.

The prequels felt like a dumb ass cartoon specifically made for 8 year olds with a completely over the top tone. "Mooie Mooie meessa wessa" "Yousa no not likin' the Goooooooogans?!!!! MEEEEEESA like yousa!". "Ahhhhhhh yesssssssss, General Kenoooooobi ... I'm better than Count Dooooooooooookoooooooo". "Nooooooooooooooooooooo". "I hate sand it gets everywhere". 

Jeezus George.

Even the Clone Wars cartoon, which is an actual cartoon was not that cartoony.

Nothing tops Luke milking an alien's teets. xD