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Azzanation said:
Lonely_Dolphin said:

If boycotting is no good, what should people do instead?

That's the point, to hit the only thing they care about, money, so they're forced to change their ways. You don't needa worry about them continuing to make games though, Blizzard must know this backlash isn't gonna hurt them much given their response to it. People will be protesting at this upcoming Blizzcon, but they probably wont next year. Blitzchung is what's worrisome, he's definitely screwed if that extradition plan goes through.

Really think about this for a minute. Boycotting games isn't going to hurt Blizzard, its going to hurt the gamers more as Blizzard wont think the lack of sales is due to this event because they are most likely going to continue to make more money in China alone than the rest of the world. Blizzard will act like any other major corporation and sack and rehire staff or simply go the way we don't want and focus on methods we don't want. Currently Blizzard house some of the best video game talent in the industry and we want to see the best work on our favourite IPs. Why hurt there jobs? its not the employee's fault that a few Activision Blizzard members acted this way. 

We should be calling for the head of those decision makers and harassing the company as a whole.. by what is currently happening by protesting at there HQ, Emailing, Streaming and any other popular methods to get there attention. Blizzard make too much money to care if they lose a few million gamers if they know they will make more money staying relevant in China.

It is hurting them in their wallets,even if it is just a bit it is hurting,and are you aware that they sack hundreds of staff and rehire after each project just to have even more earnings to apeal to shareholders while they already make all the money in the world?

I as a consumer am fine when activision/blizzard is completely gone and i'm sorry for the gamers that pretend they still make consumerfriendly games just because they enjoy them. Overall the gamingindustry would be more fair for other devs/company's and consumerfriendly if top of the shelf greed above all corporations like that weren't around,they do not care about their employees and they pretend to care about us to make money but that facade is at plenty of times just so easy to see trough,it is just a pure greed machine and capitalism for the win i know but there should be a limit.

Bolded:But they do not know that yet as China is a big risk to focus all their efforts on atm and if it wasnt then by all means they can solely make games for China for all i care,it is a trend to fuck people over there so they will have not much difficulty to adapt.