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It's already been confirmed that Sony is set to unveil the colossal, godlike, nay TITANIC God of War III at this year's E3, and it will certainly give them a show to remember.  However, there is certainly more than one title that they have hidden up their sleeves.  So, what else will they bring to the table? 

Sony has a large number of projects in the works that we know about, many of which have yet to be revealed the public.  All of the following could possibly make an appearance:

  • Uncharted 2 - We know Naughty Dog's working on something, and it's been all but confirmed to be Uncharted 2.  I know, I know, many of us want Jak 4 instead, but this game is certainly a worthy replacement.  I'm fairly positive that this game will be announced at E3 (though they may wait until February like Insomniac did with Resistance 2), but I'm absolutely certain this game will release around Holiday '09.

  • Twisted Metal ps3 - David Jaffe has confirmed that his studio, Eat Sleep Play, is working on a new Twisted Metal for the ps3, and he has even hinted that the game will release in 2009.  How far along is the game?  Is it even playable?  Who knows, but in my opinion there's a pretty high likelihood that we'll see at least something form this title at E3.

  • TRICO - The fanmade nickname given to Team ICO's third project (Shadow of the Colossus was original dubbed "NICO" by Ueda himself), TRICO could feasibly be announced at E3.  We haven't heard a peep out of Team ICO since they released Shadow of the Colossus back in 2005, so an announcement of their next project (projects?) has been a long time coming.  Given the nature of Fumito Ueda, however, it's quite likely that he'll wait until TGS to show off whatever he's been working on.  Ultimately, I think there's a 90% chance that the game will be announced at one of these two shows, though probably TGS rather than E3.

  • Socom 4 -  Or is it even Socom 4?  All we know about Zipper's next project is that it is a "large scale multiplayer" game, something that sounds far bigger than Socom ever was.  Is Sony waiting to unveil the next Socom title after Confrontation is released?  Or is Confrontation the direction where Socom will be headed permanently, with Zipper now working on a new IP?  All we know is that Zipper hasn't released a thing since 2006, and in 2005-2006 released nothing but PSP titles.  They've had a lot of free time on their hands, so their next project must be pretty far along.  I'd say there's a 50% chance we'll see something from them at E3.

  • Syphon Filter ps3 - Sony Bend has put out nothing but PSP games for the past couple of years, and I'm sure they've been pushing forward with a bigger project for quite while.  Seeing as they've been working exclusively on Syphon Filter for the past nine years, a new Syphon Filter for the ps3 seems likely.  I have no idea whether they'll show it off at E3, however.

And then there's the possibility of a few unexpected titles coming out of left field, like the rumored FPS Sony London is working on, the rumored action game Sony Liverpool is working on, or the "jaw-dropping" game the BBC guy reported on a while back (also rumored to be the action game Sony Liverpool is working on).  I mean, InFamous came out of pretty much nowhere last E3.

Of course, I'm sure we'll see some other announcements as well, concerning games that have already been revealed.  Here's a bit of what I think we'll see:

  • LittleBigPlanet -  More gameplay details, a release date, and possible news of a beta.

  • Resistance 2 - Singleplayer info, a release date, and possible news of a beta.

  • Killzone 2 - Multiplayer details, a beta announcement, and possibly a more specific release date.

  • InFamous - Gameplay footage...hell, a whole playable demo like the one GameInformer got their hands on, and hopefully a more specific release window (I don't really trust GI's "Spring 2009").

  • White Knight Chronicles - It could show up, but I think we'll get more footage as well as a release date for Japan at TGS.

  • Heavy Rain - We haven't seen ANYTHING from this game since it was announced, and when it was announced Quantic Dream said they were aiming for a Fall '08 release date.  Even if the game's been delayed, they have to be ready to show SOMETHING by now.  Sony didn't sign a publishing contract for nothing.

  • Wardevil - Yeah, yeah, it's not being published by Sony, but I wanted to include it anyway, and you KNOW Sony will be pimping this with all it's other exclusives at E3.  Earlier this year, PSU reported that DigiGuys were aiming for a Q4 '08 release date, but that the game may get pushed to Q1 '09.   And then a trailer came out that actually said "Q1 '09" at the end.   If nothing else, we know the game isn't vaporware, so I expect to see some footage and lot's of details finally coming out at E3, if they really are planning to release the game in the next 6-9 months.

So, what do you guys think will get shown at E3?  What do you think of what I've written?

I plan to make one of these for Nintendo either tomorrow or Friday, but if anybody wants to beat me to the punch, please feel free, lol.