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I found watching the film very uncomfortable at times, but I don't mean this in a bad way. When reflecting on it, think you have to remember this is a supervillian movie, not a superhero one. It is from the perspective of its main antagonist. I feel it is unlikely a comparable film will ever be made.

As for the Joker himself, I agree with many that Joaquin Phoenix is brilliant in the role. If you think of other recent iterations, they retain elemnts that while they are menacing, are ultimately a bit cartoonish (at least by comparison). With this Joker, while you see a human side of him, his action are horrific and you cannot sympathise with him even if his plight with his mental health, poverty etc are relatable. I also noted his body language and what you might describe as his swagger. You can notice throughout the film it gradually change from a performance in the first scene to more of a 'celebration' at the end, where it is in tune with the sort of mannerism you associate with the Joker elsewhere.

This is what ultimately, for me, makes him far scarier than any other interpretation of the Joker I've seen, including Heath Ledger's.

Last edited by SecondWar - on 08 October 2019