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Ganoncrotch said:
Chazore said:
Alright, I'm going to go on point in saying he's just trolling us at this point.

3 of us have presented multiple facts and core evidence to the table, vs just his opinion, while also having all evidence practically table flipped. The discussion has stopped becoming rational and just shows one user has confirmation bias.

Also, guy doesn't even know that next gen systems are signed with AMD, not Nvidia, and AMD has yet to reveal a true high end GPU that goes toe to toe with Nvidia's latest offerings.

One guy using complete rumours and very, very little know how of PC hw vs a guy who practically knows a metric ton of PC hw data, somehow being proven "wrong" is just laughable at this point. It's not a discussion, it's one console gamer who doesn't like to admit he fucked up, and doesn't want to admit that he doesn't have the hottest system on the planet.

PC has it's amazing games, great looking ones, and ones that perform or do much more than other systems can.

I agree with 99% of this post, the only thing I would say is, don't look at someone who fucks up about PC hardware and drop the label of "console gamer" on the guy, there's tons of people who game on consoles who know a shit load about PC hardware and what it means likewise there is a ton of PC gamers who just don't know about the hardware they should be or are running in their systems or how software can be a massive impacting factor on performance as well as the hardware.

I'm just saying, don't label someone as liking one thing or the other just because they derp about something, from the sounds of it this guy spends money on PC hardware as well as consoles, he just doesn't seem to get what is under the cover of either side of them, the illusion that PC's need to be upgraded every few years or they somehow slow down or thinking that Sony are going to spend more money than the price of a PS4Pro on the SSD solution in the PS5 are signs of not knowing the way hardware works in either PC or Console, I would refer to this person as just a gamer, who ... yeah doesn't get hardware in general.

@goopy20 A game requiring a 2080 as a minimum requirement would have such a tiny potential market to sell into, even during the middle of the next generation of cards, would be a financial disaster, think about it, that's like saying that now that the 2080TI is on the table then a game could launch with the min requirement of a 1080, simply put you are talking about a single digit % of the number of PC gamers who have a 1080/1080TI/2070/2080/2080TI/5700/5700XT which would be the cards you would be limiting that such a game to pretty much. Would be like creating a game for the Switch, which required the user have access to the GC adapter, along with a set of Donkey Konga Bongos to play it. Financial suicide.

I wouldn't say I am a complete expert on pc hardware but I have been gaming on pc for a looong time and I do know what I'm buying. Yes, I did recently buy a pc, knowing that it would probably start to show it's age 2 years from now. But not everyone is willing to spend $1000 or more on a gpu. I bought my pc to have the best bang for my buck and a 1060GTX and i5 8400 are pretty decent specs for today's games. I can play everything on ultra, 1440p, even native 4k with most of the games I tested. I'm probably alone in this but I do not own 3 displays, nor do I think that triple-display and 120fps provides the absolute best in gaming immersion.   

It's funny, though, how first people are trying so hard to convince me that a 4870 AMD is still fine to play modern games. And now my 1060GTX and i5 8400 are labelled as crap and I'm buying incorrect gear... 

And you're right, releasing a game now with a 2080RTX as the minimum requirement will end up in financial disaster. That is why those games don't exist until the next gen consoles hit the market. My whole point is that when the next gen consoles come out, the hardware that will be in them will be the new minimum requirements for pc. Looking back and thinking about power usage and heat displacement, I'm guessing the ps5's GPU will be leaning more towards a RX5700/ 2060RTX.

Maybe that's not considered super high-end by some members of the pc master race, but it's still pretty good. The most important thing, however, is that we will finally see games come out that actually make proper use of the hardware and it should translate in gaming experience unlike anything we're seeing today. Also, for me proper use of that new hardware does not entail ps4-like-games running at 120fps in native 4k on triple displays. For me it means AAA $100m budget games running in 1080/1440p at a locked 30fps (in most cases), but with much more complex geometry, physics, lighting and a huge boost in overall visual fidelity.