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RaptorChrist said:


I think perhaps you spend too much time in your console gaming "bubble" that you don't quite see the big picture. And I also think there is some confirmation bias occurring. It seems like the point you are trying to make is something that you want to be true, regardless of whether it is or not. Do you agree with that?

In other words, you are a console gamer. You do not like the idea of there existing a gaming platform with better visuals. After all, when a new AAA game comes out on PS4, part of the enjoyment comes in feeling as if you are experiencing visual fidelity that cannot be achieved elsewhere. I am being hyperbolic to try and get my point across.

Console gamers are very much over-represented here on VGChartz, so in your "bubble" you remain.

I am a very skeptical person, but I'm also very open-minded and understanding, and I like to try and understand the mindset of others whose ideas are contrary to my own. This is because at times I question my own opinions, as I have found myself in the same predicament you are in. It's good to be open to accepting new truths.

In your case, you seem to have these beliefs about PC gaming that I see to be false. When a game is released on PC and console, the PC version will usually be capable of better visuals. It makes sense, though, right? With PC, you have options, and a whole range of GPUs performing differently, so there exists settings that allow things like resolution, anti-aliasing, and shadows to be scaled to the hardware. Consoles are much cheaper than PCs, so does this make sense?

You also made mention of needing to upgrade to an 8 core CPU, which I found odd, as the CPU is almost never the bottleneck when it comes to playing games. I have an i5 6600k, and I would imagine it being fine for five or ten more years, although I tend to upgrade much more often than that.

But why is it important to you that console gaming be better?

I think you're completely missing the point here buddy. I am not a console gamer perse and I do own and play on pc as well. I'm also not arguing that pc always going to be capable of having the better graphics. There's always new pc hardware around the corner and it all depends on what you have in your rig. The only thing I said is that the next generation of consoles is going to boost minimum system requirements big time. To be more specific it will change from a measly 660GTX that is required nowadays to a 2070 or 2080GTX. This is not my opinion, it's a scientific fact confirmed by Permelite who says its officially been announced that the next gen consoles will have a AMD Navi gpu (not nvidia), which performance wise, sits somewhere between a 2070 and 2080RTX. 

Of course, 4 years from now a 2080RTX will be old news and half way through the ps5 life cycle, there is going to be far more powerful hardware available for pc. But that doesn't change the fact that next year, many pc gamers will have to upgrade if they want to play the next gen AC, BF and what have you. At least if they want to play all those games in the same quality as the console versions. Somehow I seem to offend people when I say this, but who doesn't want to see games take a graphical leap that require more powerful hardware. Or do we really just want to play ps4 titles in 8k and 120fps?

The only reason I replied to this thread in the first place is because the OP was asking which horror games to recommended that take full advantage of his 1080TI. Nobody could answer him because those games simply don't exist right now. But like I said, those games will come... once the new consoles get released and a 2080RTX becomes the new minimum requirements for most AAA multiplatform games. I think it will be awesome and I can't wait to see what a next gen Resident Evil game will look like. I'm sure the OP feels the same and would also love to see games come out that finally put his hardware to proper use.  

Last edited by goopy20 - on 27 September 2019