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Pemalite said:
goopy20 said:

I never said you need a 2080TI to run next gen games.

And I quote you directly:

goopy20 said:
  • Minimum pc requirements in 2021 for all major multiplatform games will be a 2080RTX.

Been multiple occasions in this thread alone where you have stated that a Geforce RTX 2080 will be a minimum.


goopy20 said:

And, of course, I'm only speculating as the specs of the next gen consoles haven't officially been revealed yet. All I'm going on is the rumors that it will be a customized Navi that sits somewhere between a 2070/2080RTX with hardware ray tracing support. So yes, pc gamers with a 2080GTX or 2080Ti will have no problems running anything until the ps6 comes out. 

Again... And I have provided evidence (Don't you read?) that Navi will be custom in the next-gen consoles with hardware ray tracing support, there is no "rumor" to be had when Microsoft has outright stated it.

goopy20 said:

Well, at least you're willing to admit that pc games did take a leap once the ps3/360 got phased out. The only thing I'm saying is that the same thing is very likely to happen with ps5 games a year after release. Meaning, games released after 2021 from the mayor developers will be using the ps5 hardware as the base platform. If this is a 2080RTX comparable gpu with hardware ray tracing support, a 8 core cpu and a SSD  that has “raw bandwidth higher than any SSD available for PCs, you are going to need similar specs as the minimum requirements.

Of course they did, Tessellation, screen spaced ambient occlusion became an expectation very quickly.

As for the 8-core CPU, not all CPU cores will be used for gaming in the consoles.

The Xbox One and Playstation 4 reserve 1-2 CPU cores for the OS and Background tasks, so it wouldn't be entirely unexpected for 1-2 Ryzen cores in the next-gen consoles for background tasks/OS duties and thus next-gen games will not use the entire 8-core setup.

Rest of your stuff is just opinion... And because of such can be ignored/discarded in it's entirety.

As for SSD's... I can bet you $1,000 right now that the PC can have faster SSD's today than the Playstation 5. Guaranteed.... But you know, the PS2 is a super computer, the PS1 laser can guide missiles... Marketing fluff essentially.

goopy20 said:

Will they still run on anything older? Probably, but developers use those minimum requirements to prevent pc gamers from complaining about the game running like ass and blaming them for shoddy porting. If you believe gaming in 2019 on a 6770 is still enjoyable, then good for you. But like Ganoncrotch said, who wants to do that? And yes, there are still plenty of pc games that can run on almost anything and it kinda depends on what type of games you're into. If you just want to play Dota, Minecraft and Fortnite in 2021, you will be fine playing them on whatever. But if you're like me and want to play all of the major next gen titles, a 1060GTX or RX580 will leave you with a lackluster experience compared to the console versions.

You are missing the point entirely.
I contradicted your prior statements and now you are trying to shift the goal post? Just admit you were wrong and be done with... Because your assertions without evidence is getting rather droll at this point.

Yes I did say a 2080RTX will be minimal requirements, not a 2080TI. My point is that the minimum requirements will be exactly what will be in these next gen consoles. If you're saying it has officially been confirmed that that will be a 2080RTX, then you've just proven my point and all the things I've been blabbering about are now officially facts.

We will see about the cpu cores and SSD, you're now the one making assumptions as we have no idea what Sony's got cooking. All we know is that they're referring to their SSD as “the key to the next generation.” Allowing the ps5 to stream much larger worlds and basically making loading screens a thing of the past

What I do know is that most modern games in 2021 will be designed to take full advantage of it. There were plenty of people who had to upgrade their cpu when the ps4 came out, including myself.

Look, I bought a new pc about 4 months ago. It's a Acer Predator with a 1060 GTX, I5 8400 and 256 SSD and I totally understand that I will need to upgrade it 2 years from now. If you want to keep gaming on your rig and are fine with 720p at the lowest settings, and 5 minute loading screens, then more power to you man!

Last edited by goopy20 - on 27 September 2019