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There's talk here above of PC hardware and people gaming on 6770's etc but like.... is there really people who would be using a card like that today?

you could get a card which was 450% the power of a 6770 in the 780TI

For the massive cost.... of £85

That 780TI coupled with a 50e Ryzen3 1200 would make a PC which would challenge the base current gen consoles a decent run for their money in game, if someone wants to get decent power on a budget it's very possible now in the PCscape.

When I say run for money btw... you can easily enough get Overwatch running over 120FPS on that 780TI@1080p which pisses on the PS4 performance in the same title, PC power is not costly now.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at