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Pemalite said:

Bofferbrauer2 said:

Without kidding, trying to tell somebody that his expectation is impossibly high and that he either doesn't understand or simply doesn't factor the economics of consoles and PCs. 2080Ti being mandatory in 2021 games? Certainly not!

I fully expect my old Radeon RX 580 to be still gaming in 2021 to be honest... Just like my old Radeon 6950 is capable of gaming in 2019.
I don't expect 4k, 60fps and Ultra settings that beats the pants off consoles though, but you can run those old titles on such hardware if you keep your expectations on visual settings in check.
There are actually groups

If the dozens of games running on old, antiquated hardware isn't enough to change his opinion on that though, then nothing will. Clearly he won't change his mind when new evidence is presented.

Maybe he should check what goes in the Philippines as gaming PCs. That could possibly change his mind:

Or, for an extreme case:

And yeah, Filipinos really game on iGPs and APUs (not all of course), especially in internet cafés which seldom have anything else than old A-series AMD APUs.

And for those who want to accuse me of cherry-picking, have a good look. What I did was taking out the worst or incomplete examples from their gaming PC section.